Brisbane Tingalpa Dentist : Answers most commonly asked questions for dental veneers.
One thing is for sure, dental veneers are becoming very popular and we are finding our patients at Lumiere Dental Tingalpa pty ltd Brisbane are asking to have imperfections corrected to dramatically improve their smile. Our Principal Dentist Dr Paul [...]
Children Teeth Decay
Children and The sugar epidemic - Changing the way we see sugar Australians like to think they are in good shape when it comes to the state of the country’s oral health, overall the trends are not looking good. [...]
Handling Dental Emergencies| Lost Crown | Lost Filling | Brisbane Dentist
Handling Dental Emergencies Any dental emergency like an injury to the teeth or gums can be potentially serious andshould not be ignored. Ignoring a dental problem can increase the risk of permanent damage as well as theneed for more extensive [...]
Detox Drinks Benefits and your Teeth
The popularity of Detox Fruit Waters have been on the rise. The internet is saturated with news on how to detoxify and rid your body of toxins with so many combinations of drinks recommended its hard [...]
Tooth Loss Linked to Slowing of Mind and body
Another reason why individuals at higher risk of tooth loss must take control of their oral health earlier in life. Loss of cognitive function and tooth loss are linked. See below for further details. The memory and walking ability [...]